Monday, September 1, 2014

Lowongan Kerja Magetan Oktober 2014 Sales Officer Bhirawa Steel

Lowongan Kerja Magetan Oktober 2014 Sales Officer Bhirawa Steel. Bagi perusahaan yang tergabung dalam perusahaanyang berkembang, perusahaan Bhirawa Steel mengabarkanbahwa tengah membuka peluang kerjaan untukberbagai jabatan yang dibutuhkan Bhirawa Steel,supaya menyangga perusahaan Bhirawa Steel.Untuk seluruh peserta yang masuk dalamkualifikasi rekrutment karyawan Bhirawa Steel Magetan akan mendapatkanposisi kerja yang telah diperlukan olehpersonalia perusahaan Bhirawa Steel. Apabila andaberminat untuk bergabung pada perusahaanBhirawa Steel, saya persilakan supaya sobatmempelajari persyaratan Lowongan Kerja Magetan Oktober 2014 Sales Officer Bhirawa Steel berikut ini yangtelah di jelaskan secara jelas olehanggota perusahaan Bhirawa Steel.

Lowongan Kerja Magetan Oktober 2014 Sales Officer Bhirawa Steel

Lowongan Kerja Magetan Oktober 2014 Sales Officer Bhirawa Steel

Starting in 1973 in a pioneering effort, we continue to differentiate ourselves with bringing in the latest technology and practices. Driven by Our Vision of offering the best to our customers, we have been upgrading our facilities quite regularly and rapidly.After the completion of our recent upgradation project, we can boast of the latest State-of-the-art facilities focusing on rolling round and debars in the range of 6mm to 32mm. these facilities are capable of delivering High Tensile, High Elongation bars with very tight dimensional tolerances. This benefits our customers, in that for the same unit strength requirement, they need to use less steel using Bhirawa quality.

This leads to savings on cost, increase in productivity and better strength.Continuing in this tradition we now bring welded mesh, another value added product designed to save costs on Inventory, labour & wastage while increasing reliability and consistency and also better management control on projects. Age Maximum 30 years old Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Marketing or equivalent Able to negotiate and have the initiative and high motivation Required skill(s): Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Sales - Corporate or equivalent 20 position(s) available

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Lowongan Kerja Magetan Oktober 2014 Sales Officer Bhirawa Steel Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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